Sunday, October 19, 2014

Emma Watson's U.N. Speech for HeforShe Campaign

The video above is of Emma Watson speaking at the United Nations about feminism and the HeforShe Campaign. She spoke of many issues about feminism, misogyny, and gender equality. She addressed both women and men in her speech, and stated: "If men don't have to be aggressive in order to be accepted, women won't feel compelled to be submissive." She also stated the (correct) definition of feminism, saying that feminism is "The belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities.", and she also said that she realized how "Fighting for women's rights has too often become synonymous with man-hatin." This seems very well and all, but the Huffington Post shows that she actually received quite a bit of negative criticism on her speech. 

Emma Watson also talked about stopping gender stereotypes not only towards women, but towards men as well. She invited men to take the opportunity to stand up for gender equality. She also stated: "We don't often talk about men being imprisoned by gender stereotypes. But I can see that they are and that when they are free, things will change for women as a natural consequence." Though this campaign may be controversial to some, and it received some negative feedback, I think that this is a great step forward for feminism and gender equality.


HeforShe Campaign

Monday, October 13, 2014

Quotes on Gender Equality and Feminism

These quotes are agreeable on the subject of gender equality. Gloria Steinem, Melinda Gates, Gavin de Becker, and Emma Watson make good points with their statements on the topic of gender equality.

Harry Styles

Harry Styles posted a picture on Twitter saying that he was all for the HeForShe Campaign.
His exact words on twitter were “I’m supporting @UN_Women and @EmWatson in #HeForShe As should you.”   

Source: found here 
Along with Mr. Styles, many other famous gentlemen supports this campaign!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Gender Inequality In Films

Full article here:

These statistics show the gender inequality present in flims, and how women are portrayed in the top 500 films. In the article, it also shows inspiring and influential women roles on-screen. The article talks about how Hollywood still has quite a bit of a way to go to remove sterotypes, sexualized roles, and gender inequality on-screen.

Welcome: About Us

Hi there!

      Welcome to Madison and Cassie's blog on gender equality. This blog has been made for a high school english assignment.

      Here, we post claims and opinions on gender equality, and give different sources about campaigns, information, etc. Different sources will be linked on the side of the page. Right now the "Heforshe" campaign is linked on the side of the page. We will try our best to support our posts and claims with evidence, sources of information, and even quotations. Sources of multimedia information used may include videos, speeches, papers, statistics, campaigns, or articles on the subject of gender equality.

      This blog is made solely for the purpose of equality for ALL genders. We don't mean to discriminate men or women in any way, though some posts may be focused on the viewpoints of women. This is because in society, women aren't seen as equal to men in many situations, and a lot of misogyny (the hatred of women)* takes place. But, a lot of misandry (the hatred of men)** takes place quite often as well. We hope to address these issues and provide information on those topics.

      We hope that you enjoy our blog, and that we successfully confront both the issues of misogyny and misandry, and gender inequality as a whole. Hopefully we can promote gender equality as well.
Feel free to comment!!!

Sources of the proper definitions